Most loricariids and many other fish eat aufwuchs. Aufwuchs is a loanword from German language and means something like overgrowth. It describes a conglomeration of herbal and animal organisms which form a living film on stones, rocks, wood, roots and any substrate. It is a species community of algae, bacteria, crustaceans, worms, insect larvae and different microorganisms. This living ensemble is nourishment for many species.
Discusfood developed a new kind of fish feed especially for plecos and other bottom fish. Its name is "Pleco & Catfish Algae Wafers". The ingredients of Pleco & Catfish Algae Wafers imitate the nutritient composition of aufwuchs. The wafers are not pressed waste powder of other food production. This food is made like granules, only shaped in small chips. Granules are made by an extruder process. That is the best way to produce dry fish food. This way of feed production does not need heat. All valuable nutrients and vitamins survive.

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